Tire Care Products: |
Take care of your tires - protect yourself from puncture flats & tears with our proven StopFlats Tire Liners! Make sure you stock up on QuikStiks Tire Levers, as well - name a more iconic duo that StopFlats & QuikStiks. We'll wait.
Stop Flats: Puncture ProofStop Flats: Puncture Proof is the toughest tire liner available in the market.
Stop Flats 2Stop Flats 2 is a dual layer tire liner that will give you the ultimate confidence.
Stop Flats OriginalStop Flats Original is a durable single layer tire liner that will ensure a worry-free bike ride.
Quik Stik Elite Tire LeverA durable, light-weight tire changer that’s strong enough to prevent tension breakage.
Quik Stik EliteA durable, light-weight tire changer that’s strong enough to prevent tension breakage.
Quik Stik OriginalThe Quik Stik Original allows bikers to quickly and easily replace their tires in no time.